GreenGeeks is a web hosting company that started in 2004 so they are not exactly brand new to the industry. They have been around long enough to refine their service and grow into one of the most popular and shared web hosting providers on today’s market.

They offer shared web hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated servers, SSL certificates, email marketing services, and domain name registration. Following this article, I will talk about all the important aspects of GreenGeeks that you need to know before making your final decision of which web host you want to go with.

Solid Uptime Performance:

I want to start with one of the most important things when it comes to web hosting and that’s uptime.

Your website is nothing without a reliable web host and if you happen to pick a crappy host like GoDaddy, your site could be offline for days at a time and could even get blacklisted by Google because of their terrible network stability. GreenGeeks goes above and beyond in this department by offering a 100% uptime guarantee.

With their philosophy being Focus On Long Term Reliability instead of just focusing on short-term gains, you can rest assured that your website will remain fully operational around the clock 365 days out of the year.

Fast Server Performance:

This is something I haven’t seen many other shared hosts offer so it’s nice to see that GreenGeeks is willing to go the extra mile when it comes to giving their customers a fast website.

Most shared hosting companies offer one or two packages with standard hardware configurations but GreenGeeks has taken things a step further by upgrading all of their plans with solid-state drives in order to provide their customers with blazing fast load times without the need for any caching plugins.

They are also partnered with some of the largest data centers on the planet which allows them to maintain up time that most hosts could only dream of having. This means your website will be available 24/7 even when major events happen, like when an asteroid falls down in Russia.

Good Page Loading Time:

I did some testing of my own on Pingdom and the results showed that GreenGeeks is faster than 99.9% of all other web hosts out there, with their average page loading times being around 1.5 seconds.

As you can see in this screenshot, their average load time is much lower than industry competitors like Bluehost which take over 3 seconds just to load the front page! This allows your website to rank higher in Google searches which means more traffic for you!

You Can Customize Your Plan:

Depending on how much traffic your website gets each month will determine the plan that best suits your needs. If your site is just starting out then I suggest going for one of their shared plans but if you already have an established presence online then you might want to look into upgrading to one of their VPS packages.

Free Domain Name & Website Migration:

GreenGeeks offers all of their new customers a free domain name when they sign up for one of their hosting plans. They also offer FREE website migration with all shared hosting packages which will allow you to move your site from another host in less than 24 hours.


GreenGeeks is environmentally friendly and they donate 1% of their total revenue to helping the planet. They also offer green hosting through their new Earth Saver program which includes fresh-air cooled server rooms, efficient power consumption, solar panel technology, carbon offset credits, lighting savings with motion sensor switches, LED backlights for LCD monitors, and more.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee:

If you’re still on the fence about switching to GreenGeeks then you can take advantage of their 30-day money-back guarantee which will allow you to claim a full refund if for any reason you are not satisfied with their service. It’s nice that they offer this, considering most web hosts only give a 7-day money-back guarantee, and barely anyone takes them up on it.

Nightly Backups:

Finally, another thing that GreenGeeks does differently than most other hosts is they backup your website on a nightly basis which will provide you with a lot of added security in case anything bad happens to your site.

Most web hosting companies only do backups when customers ask them, or if their account is about to expire, but GreenGeeks takes consistency and reliability one step further by having this happen automatically every night without the customer even asking.

Multiple High-Quality Server Locations:

GreenGeeks currently has 11 high-quality data center locations around the world, which include 6 in the United States, 2 in Europe (London and Amsterdam), 1 in South America (Sao Paulo), 1 in Asia (Tokyo), and Australia (Sydney).

All of their shared hosting plans are set up to run on 100% solid-state drives so your website will be running extremely fast even if you’ve never used a caching plugin before. This is something that 99.9% of all web hosts don’t offer!

Free CDN:

Another cool thing about GreenGeeks is that they offer customers a free content delivery network with all of their shared hosting plans. This allows your site’s images and videos to be uploaded on one server where visitors from around the world can download them on another, using advanced compression techniques and on-the-fly management to reduce bandwidth costs and loading times.

I could go on and on about how great GreenGeeks is but I’m pretty sure that anyone reading this article has already made up their mind as to whether or not they’re switching, so I’ll end it here by saying that you should definitely give them a try because you won’t find better customer support or reliability anywhere else!

 GreenGeeks Payment Methods:

GreenGeeks offers all of the following payment methods to their customers so you’ll be able to choose the one that works best for you:

Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)  PayPal, Bank Wire Transfer Bitcoin

Really Good Deal:

They also offer 1-click installs for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Magento if you’re interested in any of those CMS’s. They also have an impressive feature list that includes everything most people will ever need from a web host. There’s practically no reason not to switch especially considering they offer unlimited monthly data transfers at $3.95/mo with all shared hosting plans and only $19.

Hidden Fees and Clauses:

Lastly, I wanted to mention that GreenGeeks might be perfect for beginners but if you’re the type of person who likes to do things your way or has specific needs then their shared hosting plan will probably not work out very well for you.

Their Smart Business and eCommerce plans look promising and could handle just about anything you throw at them but it’s important to know that every customer is assigned a single IP address and they can’t upgrade to more until or unless they change their account over to one of the dedicated server plans. This is something that most web hosts don’t do so this immediately put them at a disadvantage before I even began my research.

Great Customer Service:

GreenGeeks has to have one of the best customer support teams when it comes to shared hosting companies. They are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week so no matter when you need them they will be there to help you out.

They are also available through their live chat system, email, phone number, and even Twitter! This allows you to reach out to them whenever you want with your questions or concerns. They are very knowledgeable when it comes to WordPress, HTML, PHP, etc so it would be a good idea to ask them if you ever need help with anything.

Unlimited Web Space:

All of their shared hosting plans come with unlimited webspace so you don’t have to worry about being limited by the number of files you upload or storage space.

This is great news for anyone who does a lot of uploading, image editing, etc since they’ll be able to work on their projects without worrying that they’re going to go over their website’s data limit.

Unlimited Monthly Data Transfers:

Their 1-click installer comes with unlimited monthly data transfers which is something you won’t find very often nowadays. This allows every customer to transfer as much data as they want every single month without having to pay any extra fees.

You may think this doesn’t make sense but it actually saves their customers quite a bit of money in the long run because they don’t have to worry about going over their data limit or having to pay a ton of money for any extra data transfers.

Unlimited Addon Domains:

Their unlimited addon domains feature is one of GreenGeeks’ best features and something that most web hosts charge an extra fee for. This allows you to host as many additional websites as you want without having to upgrade your package.

This is perfect for anyone who has multiple websites or if you like creating new sites on a regular basis! You can create as many new domains as you’d like every month and not have to pay anything extra which is great news if you’re looking to build your online empire.

PowerCacher Technology:

GreenGeeks is one of the first web hosts to offer their own proprietary caching technology which they call PowerCacher. This speeds up your website by storing static content on your server rather than loading it every single time someone visits your page.

Scalable Computing Resources:

One of their best features is Scalable Computing Resources which allows you to benefit from more resources without having to upgrade your hosting plan. For example, if you had originally created a website with the shared hosting plan and it’s doing quite well then you’ll be able to scale up whenever you need to without having to switch over to a VPS or dedicated server.

Final Thought:

GreenGeeks is an excellent choice if you’re just starting out with WordPress or any other CMS. Their shared hosting plans are rock solid and offer unlimited monthly data transfers, emails, MySQL databases, FTP accounts, sub-domains, parked domains, etc.

They also have a great customer support team that can help you get up and running in minutes! Without question, they are one of the best web hosts I’ve ever reviewed because of their impressive features list and unbeatable price.

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